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We like to welcome you to the part of our site about sand sculpture!
This year we plan to take part in festivals, simposia, sand sculpture contests. Information about is here.

"Ambusimbel", "Asiris".
07-Jul-2005 - 19-Jul-2005 England. Brighton. "World Sand Sculpture Festival Brighton 2005". "Egypt" theme.

"Ambusimbel" - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m., length 12 m.)
"Asiris" - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m.)

"Western" and children's competition.
Westernchildren's competition
05-Jun-2005 - 10-Jul-2005 Italy, Venice (Jesolo). The international exhibition of sand sculpture. "Hollywood" theme.

"Western" - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m.) In a sculpture represent: Clint Eastwood on a horse, Cary Cooper with lady, John Wayne.

Within the limits of this exhibition have passed events also:
- 24 and 25 June The master-class who was lead by sculptors: Kuraev V.A. and John Gowdy
- 26 June Children's sand sculpture competition. The organizer - Mayoralty Jesolo. Chairman of jury V.A. Kuraev (Russia), the judge - John Gowdy (USA).

Presentation SANDVISION - "Three sides of a victory"
Presentation SANDVISION - Three sides of a victoryPresentation SANDVISION - Three sides of a victory
09-May-2005 In a garden "Hermitage" the Moscow artists, repeated winners of world competitions - Vladimir Kuraev, will present the art "Sandvision". Since May, 9th and all the summer long the sculpture, "Three sides of the Victory", will stand in a garden "Hermitage".

Enormous monument of 4,5 meter heights on which 60 tons of sand - significant cultural event of the capital are has left, devoted to the 60 anniversary of a victory of allied armies in 2-nd world war.

27-Nov-05 - 12-Dec-05 Venice (Jesolo)
Kuraev will take part in the international sand sculpture festival.

03-Apr-2005 - 10-Apr-2005 Spain. Valladolid. The Exhibition-competition of a sand sculpture, devoted Migel de Servantes.

"Servantes" - Kuraev V.A. - 3 place (height 3 m.).

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design: Malyshev Eugeny© 2004