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Here you can see the major part of the works, created at contests, festivals, simposia, that were carried out in different world countries, and also buisness-projects.

'Fairy tale', Vladimir Kuraev, h=3,5ì, 2003, Holland, Endhoven World Championship of Ice, 'Stairs to the sky - the fragment', Vladimir Kuraev, Alexei Sheboldaev , Alexandr Stozharov, h=7,5ì, 1999, the USA, Alaska 'Peacock', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2003, Holland, Endhoven business-sculpture, 'Izba-spa', Vladimir Kuraev, Alexei Sheboldaev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, Radisson Hotel, 'Horn of the abundance', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, 'The Bottle of Caribou', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, 'Momento', Alexei Sheboldaev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, 'Cappuchino', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, Alexei Sheboldaev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec 'Christmas motiv', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2003, Holland, Endhoven business-sculpture, 'Irani restaurant', Vladimir Kuraev, Nikolai Prokofiev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, 'Girl under the sphere', Vladimir Kuraev, Nikolai Prokofiev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, Alexei Sheboldaev, Vladimir Kuraev, Radisson Hotel, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec business-sculpture, 'Ku-ka-re-ku', Alexei Sheboldaev, Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec 'Ice town', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2ì, 2003, Holland, Endhoven business-sculpture, 'Totem', Alexei Sheboldaev, Vladimir Kuraev, the museum of 'Gurens' tribe, h=2ì, 2002, Canada, Quebec province

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